This week I have my one year follow up with both my Family Doc, and my Ophthalmologist. It's kind of sureal to me that a whole year has passed. An entire year has gone by where my visual ability has completely changed from what I knew little over a year ago. And although my vision is not so terribly great these days, I choose to believe my over all quality of life has improved. My relationships are stronger with my family, my marriage is in the best shape it has ever been, my child is learning and growing and thriving. I have had the opportunity to meet and be blessed by an amazing community of women that I might not have ever had the opportunity to know had this event never taken place.
That's not to say that this last year hasn't been hard. Because, the Good Lord knows - it has been. Probably the hardest year of my life so far. Yet everyone that has surrounded me over the last year has been a helping hand in one form or fashion to help keep me going. To encourage me when I need it, and to drag me out of the dark hole I often find myself slipping into. I pray every day that the Lord will bless all of the amazing people in my life with an extra portion of the amazingness that they have shown me.
If I have learned nothing else over the last year, it's that you can never know the full extent of a kind gesture. Simple things can be so huge, and have been for me so often. So I hope and pray that any person who might feel discouraged or jaded by an effort of giving - don't give up yet. Bless, and Love others because He has asked it of us. Your acts may encourage others. Even if the direct recipient of your acts do not receive the full blessing you offer we can never know if someone else will. Love. Because loving feels good. Loving is what we are called to do. Let the world be rained on by our love. Let it be drenched to the core and saturated with it. Love.
As one who has been rained on with love and saturated to the core - more people need this feeling. I never would have survived this last year in the condition I have without the love I received.