Remembering My Papa

* Ice cream
* Rootbeer
* Drums
* Aquanet hairspray to keep those handsome locks in just the right place.
* The exclamation of "Glory!"
* Shared birthday cakes when they were in town (our birthdays are 3 days apart).
* Funny faces
* Eagles
* Happy
* Gentle
* Bibleville
* Boxer dogs
* That twinkle always in his eye
* Rummicube
* Special trips visiting Papa & Grama all by myself.
* Electric razor
* Old spice
* Skating rink smooth baked potatoes
* "Eat every potato and pea on your plate"
* "Why does the gravy dish drip? Because it can't go *snniiiifff*!"
* Sailboats
* Always a jokester
* Big warm hugs
* Overflowing with love