Life Lesson - Study In Galatians

I have been going through the Galatians study guide by Max Lucado over
the last several months. Today's study ended with the following Life
Lesson that was special to me.

"What good parent loves one child more than another? None! However, a
wise and caring dad will demonstrate his affection to his children in
different ways. Depending on factors like personality and age and life
situation a mom will interact with her children in completely
different ways. And so it is with God. He doesn't deal with His
children exactly the same. Many realities come into play. And this is
is why we should never compare ourselves with others or envy another
Christian's relationship with God. Each of our relationships with God
will be unique. He will bless you in certain ways; He will bless
another in different ways. Dispite the discrepancies, we are each
loved with his perfect, unconditional love. Each child adored and
infinitely special. Each child an heir of endless spiritual blessings!